Welcome to Krankler's stash!

Little corner of the interwebs where i spout absolute bull!

"drinking beers, beers, beers.."


Posted on October 17, 2024

The website's beginning.. God, what to do with it? I'm not even sure. I just made this for funsies, for gits and shiggles. I'm only like.. amateur in making websites. I've been in a class for it for a year and barely learned anything. Mainly just Photoshop.. How I miss pre-subscription Adobe. When they weren't total money maniacs. Paying to end a subscription-- Really? Take my pants while you're robbing my wallet, thanks.

Anyways, I feel like I need a change of pace. Something to really get my life going. I don't have much going for me, to be real. I'm almost to college, it's insane. You know how when you're a kid you have all these dreams of what you want to be when you grow up? I always wanted to be so many things. An Astronaut, a cat dad, a professional animator, a voice actor.. So many dreams. Crushed, really, but they were dreams. I've always wanted to make an animated project or series.. But I've never done an animation longer than 15 seconds or anything with tweening or whatever. My beautiful, precious copy of Flash CS6 better come in handy..

I kinda just feel like this blog may be a good outlet. Just to write how my days are and get my thoughts out of my head. It's really a genius thing-- blogs, that is. To have your own area of this vast wasteland of the internet where it's just.. You. Your thoughts. Not someone else's. But enough of gushy, thought-provoking bullSHIT. Can you believe Mallrats isn't available anywhere unless you pay for it?? Dude, and the internet archive is down and has been for days! Total balls. Can't have shit on the internet. Probably could ask my dad if he has a copy..